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Promotional Postcards by Type-Ø-Tones, 2021

Graphics in original and Spanish version for the packaging of the French film 'La Petite', 2023, whose title in Spanish is 'Buscando a Pauline', directed by Guillaume Nicloux.


José Manuel Urós


Actual version


Character sets
Basic Latin
Latin-1 Supplement
Latin-2 Central European

License Types
Desktop, Webfont, ePub, App, Server


FinalSix is the typographic adaptation of a lettering. Working on the graphic image for a sports event (the European Waterpolo Final in 2014) we had the idea of creating a character set that reflected the idea of the undulating movement of water in a pool. In practice, we draw characters with rounded tops, bottoms and diagonals and using the word WATERPOLO as a visual reference for a wavy feeling, in a process that we could define as “form follows meaning.” 

To preserve its personality as much as possible, the most idiosyncratic characters are found in the Default set, while we can find more standardized variations for editorial use in a Stylistic set.


Sans Serif, Display, Text, On Screen, Editorial Design, App